Separating Presentation from Layout
I want to separate the presentation of my blog from the content so, with any luck, I can create a theme and possibly substitute a more professionally-designed theme for the one I’ve hacked together. I first need to better understand the structure of what I’ve wrought here before I can reasonably refactor it, or do any major overhaul.
A Table Shortcode for Hugo
I write a lot of notes in Markdown files and use Hugo to display them in a browser. It makes for easy reading and jumping among them. Several months ago, I needed to create some tables where some cells spanned mulitple rows or columns. That’s not possible with Markdown tables. Creating tables in HTML with appropriate classes seemed tedious. I thought it might be less so by defining tables in TOML and use a shortcode to translate them into HTML.
A New Hugo-Based Blog
In my previous post I talked a little about why and how I started this blog. Here I want to present my experience with Hugo and what I like about it.
Creating a blog is hard. I admire those who are able to design their own and write regular posts, so much so that I’m trying again to create my own blog. I started this blog late in 2015. After writing a few posts, I became discouraged. I didn’t like the way it looked, the tools often broke, and I didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted to write, or why I was blogging.
Serving a Blog
I want a blog where I control the design and layout. I want to be able to change the way it works and appears so I can experiment with various ideas, learn by attempting to replicate other designs and see what happens.
Fixing the Width
What an ugly, fragile blog.
A Blog on GitHub
What do you really need to know to setup a blog on GitHub?